院校 |
专业 |
华威大学 |
Supply Chain and Logistics Management (SCLM) (MSc) |
兰卡斯特大学 |
Logistics and Supply Chain Management : MSc |
巴斯大学 |
MSc in Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management |
诺丁汉大学 |
Supply Chain and Operations Management MSc |
南安普顿大学 |
MSc Supply Chain Management and Logistics |
谢菲尔德大学 |
Logistics and Supply Chain Management - MSc |
肯特大学 |
Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc |
埃塞克斯大学 |
MSc International Logistics and Supply Chain Management |
斯特拉斯克莱德大学 |
MSc Supply Chain & Logistics Management MSc Supply Chain & Operations Management MSc Supply Chain & Procurement Management |
赫瑞瓦特大学 |
Logistics & Supply Chain Management, MSc International Business Management with Logistics, MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management with Lean Six Sigma, MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management with Shipping and Port Operations, MSc Logistics with Green and Sustainable Supply Chain Management, MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management with Business Performance, MSc |
考文垂大学 |
Global Logistics MSc Supply Chain Management MSc International Business Logistics MSc |
伦敦城市大学 |
MSc Global Supply Chain Management |
布鲁内尔大学 |
MSc Global Supply Chain Management |
诺丁汉特伦特大学 |
Management & Global Supply Chain Magement / Management & Global Supply Chain Magement(2yr) |
赫尔大学 |
MSc in Logistics and Supply Chain Management |
谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学 |
MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management |
华威大学 |
MSc in Supply Chain and Logistics Management (SCLM) |
杜伦大学 |
Management (Supply Chain Logistics) MSc |
林肯大学 |
MSc Logistics and Global Operations |
哈德斯菲尔德大学 |
Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc |
赫特福德郡大学 |
MSc Operations and Supply Chain Management |
布莱顿大学 |
Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc (PGCert PGDip) |
伯明翰城市大学 |
Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc
金斯顿大学 |
Logistics and Supply Chain Management Masters (MSc) |
格林威治大学 |
Logistics and Supply Chain Management MA |
贝德福德大学 |
Logistics and Supply Chain Management Msc |
格拉斯哥喀里多尼亚大学 |
MSc International Operations and Supply Chain Management
克兰菲尔德商学院 |
Executive Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc |
格林威治大学 |
Logistics and Supply Chain Management MA |